Thursday, October 16, 2014

Suburb #48 Holt

Suburb no 48 was Holt, which we sought out seeking some much needed exercise after eating way too much on our Charnwood expedition!

Holt is named after Harold Hold, the Prime Minister of Australia, famous for going 'all the way with LBJ' and of course, disappearing while swimming - whether it was due to suicide, being kidnapped by a Chinese submarine or being abducted by a UFO..... who knows as his body was never found.

The streets are ironically named after sportspeople.

The first surprise was that Holt actually has some local shops... not just the larger and well known Kippax shopping centre.

 The shops were, however, fairly deserted apart from some fairly two dimensional people.....

Kippax shops are certainly more alive but not necessarily more tasteful...Why is a hamburger eating a hamburger????

But there are some gorgeous leafy parts to Holt...especially up near the golf course.

And Holt highlights one of the best things about Canberra - the fact that you can drive for five minutes and around a corner and all of a sudden you are in the middle of the bush...or specifically, in this case, Woodstock nature reserve. Here you can take a short walk to Shepherd's lookout where the views of the Murrumbidgee are amazing.

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