Sunday, May 1, 2016

Suburb #91 Palmerston

Suburb number 91 was Palmerston, one of the oldest suburbs in Gungahlin and it certainly felt quite different to its newer neighbours.

Palmerston is named after George Thomas Palmer, who settled in Canberra in the 1800s and named his property Palmerville (later renamed as Ginninderra).

The streets here are named after Autralian mountains and mountain ranges.

So unfortunately with a slightly defective camera, I headed to Palmerston just past Mitchell. I must admit I really expected that my old Gungahlin prejudices would come out here and that I would dislike this suburb...but I just couldn't. It was way too pleasant - with some quaint local shops, ridiculously nice and neat gardens everywhere and cats wandering the streets.


The beautiful autumn leaves everywhere certainly helped....

But even the 90s suburban mega mansions and irritating paving couldn't destroy my good mood....

Particularly with views like this from right next door.....

I miss my real terrace in Surry Hills....but certainly a 'fake' one in Palmerston would be much more pleasant than I would have expected.

 Assuming the aliens aren't about to take over :p