Friday, September 4, 2015

Suburb #78 Latham

Suburb no. 78 was Latham back in Belco land. I had been told about a lovely park here and decided to make the most of a beautiful Canberra winter sunny day to explore it - and I wasn't disappointed!

Latham is named after Sir John Greig Latham, an Australian judge and politician who was Chief Justice of the High Court for almost 20 years.

The streets here are named after Australian judges.

Latham shops didnt really seem to exist despite significant signage so I started my adventures near the local oval. This was quite pleasant and for the first time in a long time I got back on a slide :) But I really don't understand why the locals are cooking wombats can anyone explain?

Latham was also witness to some interesting garden decorations....

But the highlight of the suburb is certainly Umbagong district park! Wow...I am sure one of my human friends mentioned this to me previously and told me to make sure I didn't miss it. They were right. What a hidden surprise. 

I had a fabulous afternoon on my own wandering around here in the sun (yeah I am sad). It was the first proper suburban adventure that I have had in ages, so proper that I got lost and ended up having to walk through Ginninderra creek and across country to get back to my car. And yes I went a bit nuts with the photos as a result....

You shall not pass!!! alas my path was blocked for a while...

But I did finally get across the bridge...

And there was more wombat cuisine elsewhere...

Alas it was finally time to go....

But not before I got to take in this beautiful view of the mountains as the sun began to sink below the clouds...

And some Canberra specialities :)

Thanks Latham. I had a blast :)


  1. Thank you so much for taking such beautiful photos of my suburb. Latham has such underrated beauty.

  2. Thanks - I totally agree. It was an absolute pleasure to explore.
