Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Suburb #1 Hawker - the reboot edition

When I visited Hawker on my first round of suburban adventures, I had only been there to look at a flat and to go to Rocksalt for lunch. Since then I have spent a lot more time in the area, with one of my favourite people now a local and lots of pandemic walks around the local area, so I was excited to start my suburb journey reboot here on a perfect Canberra autumn day...

Hawker, in North Canberra, established in 1972, now has a population of more than 3,000. 

I started my adventures at the local shops. It was sad to see the second hand bookshop has gone, but otherwise very little seems to have changed since my last visit....

Other than the fabulous new intersection... ha ha - sorry infrastructure memories...

Leaving the local shops, Hawker was showing off its Autumn glory...

And then it was off to the fabulous Pinnacle nature reserve - which I missed the first time around...

 But even back in the suburban streets....fabulous nature was everywhere :) 

And I was also able to spot the things I always keep an eye out on my suburb journeys...a street library, something creepy, something cute, a weird mailbox, a fun playground (with slide!!!!) and a sign of decay/times past (poor tennis court..).

Thank you Hawker for a lovely afternoon and a great start to my new adventures :) 



  1. That was really marvellous! I can’t wait for your next instalment! ❤️❤️

  2. It’s not just the bookshop that’s gone. Newsagent and Chinese Restaurant also.
