Friday, August 16, 2024

Suburb #9 - Bonner - the reboot edition

On a freezing cold, Canberra winter afternoon recently I visited the original suburb #9 Bonner.

This suburb has grown remarkably since I visited 10 years ago, with more than 7,000 people now calling it home, but it still seems very quiet at the same time.

From the expanded local shops, I wandered along Mabo Boulevard - with the neighbourhood kitties safely locked away :)

While Bonner is pretty suburban, I love that there are explosions of colour everywhere...

As well as stunning, quiet places of reflection and natural beauty..

On occasion, I did wonder what had been going on...

But there was always another hill to climb...and the views are bloody incredible!!!

It was time to call it a day as the winds grew even colder....and it became clear that the snow was coming!!!! Thanks Bonner - I could eventually feel my fingers again!